HPAS MAINS 2023 - GS 3



Time allotted : Three hours                                                                       

Maximum marks: 200

Question paper specific instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions:

  1. There are 28 questions in all and all the questions are compulsory.
  2. The Number of marks carried by a question are indicated in the concerned note.
  3. Attempt of a part/question shall be counted in Sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a part/question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any Page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-Cum-Answer Booklet (QCAB) must be clearly stuck off.
  4. Answers must be written in legible handwriting. Answers must be written in English or Hindi
  5. Re-valuation/ Re-checking of answer booklets of the candidate is not allowed.

Section I

Answer the Question No. 1 to 15 should not exceed 60 word in each case. Contents of answers are more important than their length. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. Explain two monetary measures to curb rising inflation. 

2. Write about the unemployment rate in India in recent year.

3. What is Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB)? Who is the issuer?

4. How has protectionism affected the world trade? 

5. Describe four interplanetary missions of Indian Space Research Organisation. 

6. Describe major benefits of Geothennal Energy. 

7. Discuss the applications of remote sensing and GIS in mitigating flood risk. 

8. Explain the role of integrated community service centres in Himachal Pradesh. 

9. Explain the vision and objectives of Eco-village scheme in Himachal Pradesh. 

10. Describe the objectives of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy 2021 in Himachal Pradesh. 

11. Describe objectives and location of major Hi-tech Habitats of Himachal Pradesh. 

12. Discuss domain of services of Aryabhatta Geo-informatics Space Application Centre (AGISAC). 

13. What are the main features of National Action Plan on Climate Change? 

14. Describe the concept Biosphere Reserve in context of biodiversity conservation. 

15. Enlist various promotional themes of tourism in Himachal Pradesh. 

Section II

Answer to question number 16 to 25 should not exceed 120 words in each case. Contents of the answers are more important than their length. Each question carries 8 marks.

16. Discuss the latest trends in economic inequalities in India. 

17. What is Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Promotion Project (HPCDP). Discuss its objectives. 

18. Explain the Skill development allowance scheme in Himachal Pradesh. 

19. Discuss the significant achievements made in the field of industrialization in Himachal Pradesh. 

20. Describe the objectives of the policy on Hydro Power Development which was approved by the Government of India in 1998. 

21. Describe the objectives and application area of NISAR satellite jointly developed by ISRO and NASA.

22. Discuss the aim ond  various steps involved in the process of seed certification. 

23. Describe the various traditional methods of Rainwater harvesting in India.

24. Explain the role of eco tourism in sustainable development of Himachal Pradesh.

25. Discuss about main features of Himalayan Ecology in the State of Himachal Pradesh. 

Section III

Answers to question number 26 to 28 should not exceed 400 words in each case. Contents of the answers are more important than their length. Each question carries 20 marks.

26. Explain in detail about global warming and different factors contributing for global warming. Also discuss the control measure to reduce global wanning. 

27. Explain the main features of Indian Foreign Trade Policy 2023 and discuss how it will help in attaining the trade related objectives. 

28. What is the need of IRNSS (NavIC) for lndia's defence sector? Describe its evolution and advantage in detail. 

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