1. SUB UNIT–1 
  • Historical perspective of Indian Cultural heritage: 
  • Literature and Art forms from ancient times to 1947 (Major structural and rock-cut temple architecture,  sculptural art and major schools of paintings
  • Modern Indian history from mid- 18th century to 1980. 
  • Freedom Struggle: its various stages and the role of eminent personalities from different parts of India.
      2. SUB UNIT-2 
  • Industrial Revolution and the emergence of Capitalism. 
  • Fascist Ideology and its global implications. 
  • World Wars and boundary settlements after the First and the Second World Wars. 
  • Concept of Decolonization, Nationalism and Socialism, Globalization and concept of Modernity. 
      3. SUB UNIT-3 
  • Emergence and growth of early medieval states: Kangra, Kullu and Chamba. Hill States and their relations with the Mughals and the Sikhs. 
  • Gorkha invasion- its nature and consequences, Treaty of Segauli. 
  • Hill States under the Colonial power: Political and Administrative History. Grants, Sanads and territorial aggression.
  • Social and Economic conditions under colonial period with special reference to social practices of Beth, Begar and Reet.
  • Establishment of British Cantonments.
  • National Movement with special reference to Praja Mandal movements in Himachal Pradesh, 1848-1948.
  • Five Year Plans and vision for the developed Hill State. 
  • Survey of artistic and cultural Heritage (Temples, Budhist Monasteries and Paintings). 
 Note:— All the topics / subjects covered under SUB UNIT-3 are relevant to the State of Himachal Pradesh.


      1. SUB UNIT-1 
  • Introduction to Disasters: Concepts, definitions, disaster classifications including natural and man-made disasters. 
  • Social and Environmental impacts of disasters. 
  • Disaster profile of the country. 
  • Approaches to Disaster Risk Reductions. 
  • Disaster management models. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders including community, Concept of first responders. 
  • Interrelationship of disaster and development. 
  • Disaster management in India including Disaster Management ACT 2005, National and state policies, Plans and institutional mechanism in the country. 
      2. SUB UNIT-2 
  • Geographical Introduction to India, India as a unit of Geographical Study. 
  • Aspects of the Physical Geography of India – Structure and Relief, Climate, Soils and Vegetation, Geomorphic set up (Mountain Ranges and Rivers and other Water Bodies). 
  • Human Aspects – Population distribution, Urban Population, Internal Migration. 
  • Language and Literacy, Villages and Towns in India.
  • Settlements, Industry and Transport.
      3. SUB UNIT-3 
  • Geography of Himachal Pradesh: Relief, Drainage, Vegetation cover and types. 
  • Climate and climatic zones in Himachal Pradesh. 
  • Geographical Regions of Himachal Pradesh (Shiwalik, Doons and Low Valleys, Outer Valleys of Sub Himalaya, Mid Hill Tracts of High Himalaya, High hills and Valleys and Inner Zones). 
  • Human Aspects: Quantitative, Qualitative and Temporal characteristics of Population, Urbanisation pattern. 
  • Policies: Forest, Industrial and Tourism Policies, Growth of Industrial areas and types of Industries in Himachal, Employment generation and potential, Scope of future Industrialization, Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Profile of Himachal Pradesh. 
 Note:— All the topics / subjects covered under SUB UNIT-3 are relevant to the State of Himachal Pradesh.


      1. SUB UNIT-1 
  • Salient features of Indian Society, Unity in Diversity. 
  • Social Institutions: Family, Marriage, Kinship, Religion and Social stratification in India. 
  • Women empowerment and social justice: Policies for women Empowerment in India, Laws for protection of women, women security and safety initiatives in India. 
  • Child Rights and Right to Education. 
  • Rights of differently-able persons and quality of life for them. 
      2. SUB UNIT-2 
  • Core Values in public service / governance. 
  • Philosophical basis of public service / governance and Integrity, Professionalism, Accountability. 
  • Objectivity and Transparency, information sharing and right to information, codes of conduct, work culture, challenges of corruption and political pressures.
  • Gandhian Thought: Truth and Non-violence, Satyagraha, Ends and Means, Religion and Politics. 
       3. SUB UNIT-3 
  • Society and Culture in Himachal Pradesh: Culture, customs, fairs and festivals, and religious beliefs and practices, recreation and amusement. 
  • Tribes of Himachal Pradesh: their historical, social, cultural, economic and legal aspects.
  • Family, marriage, kinship, and caste system in Himachal Pradesh. 
 Note:— All the topics / subjects covered under SUB UNIT-3 are relevant to the State of Himachal Pradesh. 

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