Governor of Calcutta - Fort William

Roger Drake (1756 - 58) 
• During his governorship, Calcutta was captured by Siraj-ul-Daula in the third Carnatic War. 
• The Black Hole tragedy on 20th June, 1756 in which 123 Englishmen died and which was one of the causes of the Battle of Plassey of 1757 took place. 
• Calcutta was recaptured by Clive.

Robert Clive (1758 - 60)
• Battle of Bedara in 1759, Dutch were defeated by the East India Company. • During this Governorship Clive did not do anything significant apart from collecting wealth from the victorious wars. 

Henry Vansittart (1760 - 65) 
• Mir Jafar was replaced by Mir Qasim as the Nawab of Bengal in 1760. 
• However, Mir Jafar was again reinstated. 
• The Battle of Buxar was fought in 1764. 
• Death of Mir Jafar and succession of his son Najmud-daula. 
• The Treaty of Allahabad was concluded on 20 February, 1765 according to which the administration was left in the hands of a deputy Subedar who was to be a British nominee. 

Robert Clive (1765 - 67) second term 
• The Company got Diwani rights in Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. 
• Started Dual Government in Bengal in 1765. 
• He forbade the servants of the company from indulging in private trade and made payment of internal duties obligatory. 
• Established Society of Trade in 1765 with monopoly of trade in salt, betelnut and tobacco. This was abolished in 1767

Harry Verclst, 1767-69 and John Cartier (1769-72) 
•Had uneventful ternures as Covernors of Calcutta with nothing much of grave historical significance occurring during their time. 

Warren Hastings (1772 -73) 
• Put an end to the Dual System of government in 1772 which was started by Clive 
• He signed the treaty of Benaras in 1773 with Nawab Shujaud-daula of Awadh. 
• Nawab was returned Allahabad and Kara in lieu of 50 lakhs rupees. • Quinquennial settlement of land revenue in 1772 farming out lands to the highest bidder which was later reversed. 

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