4. Firoz Shah Tughlaq's Invasion - A.D.1365

  Firoz Shah Tughlaq

✓ In A.D.1360 when Raja Rup Chand succeeded as the Raja of KangraFiroz Shah Tughlaq was the Sultan of Delhi.

✓ In keeping with the policy of harassment of muslims by guerilla warfare, as mentioned in the 'Tarik-i-Ferishtha' Raja Rup Chand set out for a raiding expedition on the plains, and plundered the country almost to the gate of Delhi.

✓ In A.D.1365 Firoz Shah Tughlaq undertook an expedition against Nagarkot, probably as Alexander Cunningham suggests, in revenge for Rup Chand's incursions. 

For six months the siege went on, and both sides exhibited great courage and endurance.

✓At length fortune inclined to the Sultan.He was one day examining the fortress, when he perceived the Rup Chand standing on the top of his citadel.

There he stood in an attitude of humility, and stretching out his hands in sign of distress, he clasped his hands and bowed in subjection.

✓When the sultan observed this he drew a handkerchief from his bosom and waiving it kindly towards Rup Chand, he signed for him to come down.

✓The Mehtas of the Rup Chand assembled and counselled surrender so the Raja throwing off his pride, came down from his fort, and making apologies cast himself at the feet of the Sultan; who with much dignity placed his hand on the back of the Raja and having bestowed on him robes of honour and an umbrella sent him back to his fort.

✓Thus by the favour of God the sultan became master of Nagarkot.

                                                                     Kangra Fort

✓After the submission of the Raja of Nagarkot, Firoz-Shah Tughlaq visited the Jwalamukhi temple.

✓In this temple was a fine library of 1300 volumes of Hindu book.

✓The Sultan, out of his deep love for learning, took possession of these books and translated some of them into prose in the Persian language by Eiz-ud-din Khalid Khani and called it "Dalayel-i-Firoz Shahi".

✓However, accoding to "Ma'asir-ul-Umara" Firoz-Shah Tughlag, after the seize of fort which was of long duration, concluded that to capture it was an impossibility.

✓So he contended himself with an interview with the Raja and gave up his project.

✓The Raja then invited the Sultan and some of his people into the fort, the Sultan said to the Raja that to invite him within the fort was a piece of imprudence, if the retime in his train resolved upon an attempt on him (Rup Chand), and should seize the fort, what remedy was there. 

✓The Raja made a sign to his men and at once crowd of armed men came out of their hiding places.

✓The Sultan was in consternation.The Raja said respectfully that, beyond precautions, he had no other ideas in his head.

✓Still to put into practice measures of prudence was a necessity on such an occasion.

✓Such contemporary accounts illumine the fact that Firoz Shah Tughlag was not successful in conquering Nagarkot and found a pretext to accept Raja's submission and made a peace with him. 

✓This is even confirmed by latter works of such as Jehangir memoirs - "Tuzuk-i-Jahangiria" and "Shah Fath-i-Kangra".

Raja Roop Chand died in 1375 AD and was succeeded by his son Sangra Chand during this period Firoz Shah eldest son Naseeruddin was driven away from Delhi by his own cousin and took shelter at nagarkot till the end of 1389 AD and in 1390 AD assume that thrown under the name of Mohammed Tughlaq..

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