8. Dhami Firing Tragedy -1939

                 Bhagmal Sautha

√The very first confrontation between a diehard unautocratic ruler and the politically awakened people took place in the petty state of Dhami, focusing attention on the worst form of repression, Dhami was a small state, 16miles in north-west of Shimla with capital at Halog. 

√The state formed a part of the region known as the Punjab Hill States Agency during the British Raj period.

√A majority of its subjects were low paid government servants working in Shimla offices and other establishments. 

√The Rana of Dhami was noted for his misrule and collection of unjust taxes. 

√The subjects were also forced to render 'Begar' to the State for seven days in a month. 

√The land revenue demand in the State was also considerably enhanced after the settlement of 1916. 

√On 13th July, 1939, a representative conference of the people of the State, attended by about 600 state subjects, was held at Shimla under the presidentship of Thakur Bhagmal
Sautha, an active political leader of Jubbal state. 

√By a resolution the Prem Pracharni Sabha of Dhami state was rechristened as Dhami Riyasti Praja Mandal under Narain Das, as its president.

The other resolution passed at the conference inter alia demanded:-

1. Recognition of Dhami Riyasti Praja Mandal.

2. Establishment of a responsible government in the state,

3. Abolition of forced labour 'Begar'.

4. Grant 50% remission in land revenue due to crop failure.

5. Removal of various restrictions and prohibitions imposed by
    the state on its subjects

6. Restoration of all confiscated property to legitmate heirs.

✓Copies of the resolution were delivered to the Rana through a special messenger-Sita Ram who also carried a written request for an early appointment so that a seven member delegation could place grievances of the state subjects before the Rana at Halog.

✓They also urgrd the Rana to grant full responsible government in the state by July 16, 1939, failing which they would resort to Satyagraha. 

✓Rana rejected these demands outrightly.

Accordingly, on 16the July, 1939 Thakur Bhag Mal Sautha, the leader of the delegation, started from Shimla towards Dhami to present the charter of demands by hand to Rana.

✓When Bhagmal Sautha accompanied by a couple of Praja Mandal workers- Bhagat Ram and Devi Sharan reached Ghana-Ki-Hatti, the first important village within the State territory, he was arrested and handcuffed by the state police. 

✓Police snatched the Congress party flag from Bhakt Ram Devi and burnt.

✓By the time the police party escorting Bhagmal Sautha reached Halog, the crowd of of people following the delegation had  swelled to about 2000 to 3000 persons.

✓The Rana and his party about 100 strong armed with guns and lathis had already positioned themselves at a vantage point.

✓No sooner the police personnel forcibly took the prisoners towards the jail, a part of the crowd rushed forward.

✓The Rana and his men who were in look-out just for such a moment opened indiscriminate firing on unarmed and peaceful crowd, which was taken wholly unawares.

✓The carnage which is said to have lasted 25 to 30 minutes left two dead viz. Uma Dutt
and Durga Das, 15 received multiple buck-shot injuries, out of fear many more were grievously hurt from lathi and stone blows did not come forward to receive medical attention. 

✓When the news of firing at Dhami reached Shimla a complete Hartal was observed in the town. 

✓The firing was widely publicized and an inquiry into the cause was demanded.

✓The Dhami firing tragedy proved a turning point in hill people struggle for social and political reforms. 

✓It was the first incident of its kind in the hills that attracted even the attention of the national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Pt. J.L.Nehru, then president of All India States People's Conference. 

✓They condemned the firing and directed the Standing Committee of Congress and All India States People's Conference to hold an inquiry. 

✓The inquiry committee was presided over by Lala Duni Chand Advocate. 

✓The other members included Dev Suman, Chairman of the Parvati Praja Paeishad, Lala Sham Lal, president of the City Congress and Lala Kishore Lal, president of the Arya Samaj.

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