HPAS GS 2 - 2023


Time allotted : Three hours                                                                       

Maximum marks: 200

Question paper specific instructions

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions:

  1. There are 28 questions in all and all the questions are compulsory.
  2. The Number of marks carried by a question are indicated in the concerned note.
  3. Attempt of a part/question shall be counted in Sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a part/question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any Page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-Cum-Answer Booklet (QCAB) must be clearly stuck off.
  4. Answers must be written in legible handwriting. Answers must be written in English or Hindi
  5. Re-valuation/ Re-checking of answer booklets of the candidate is not allowed.

Section I

Answer the Question No. 1 to 15 should not exceed 60 word in each case. Contents of answers are more important than their length. Each question carries 4 marks.

1. Explain the right to constitutional remedies given in the Indian Constitution.

2. Describe about the Article related to the promotion of International Peace and security given in the Constitution.

3. Describe about major Business Pressure Groups in India.

4. Describe the current status of Jammu and Kashmir after abolition of article 370.

5. Discuss about India’s role in Shanghai Corporation Organisation (SCO).

6. Analyse the role of Indian Diaspora in India’s foreign policy.

7. Describe about India’s maritime security policy ‘SAGAR’ ?

8. Discuss how cultural divide has affected the politics of Himachal Pradesh?

9. Analyse the role of Himalayan Hill State Regional Council in the freedom moment in Himachal Pradesh.

10. Discuss about the role of social economic factors in the evolution of bipolar politics in Himachal Pradesh.

11. Analyse the working of Panchayati Raj institutions in Himachal Pradesh.

12. Describe how language reorganisation has affected the politics of Himachal Pradesh?

13. What do you understand by AMRUT 2.0 Yojana?

14. Define Good Governance and discuss its salient features.

15. What do you know about the “Beti Hai Anmol scheme” of Himachal Pradesh government?

Section II

Answer to question number 16 to 25 should not exceed 120 words in each case. Contents of the answers are more important than their length. Each question carries 8 marks.

16. Describe how Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles are complimentary to each other?

17. Discuss about the Emergency Powers of President. Can he become dictator?

18. Discuss India’s role in the establishment of peace through UN peacekeeping. 

19. Describe in detail about the problem of boundaries between India and China.

20. Explain about India’s energy security policy.

21. Discuss about defence cooperation agreement signed between India and America during Modi‘s recent visit to USA.

22. Explain Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) as a precursor to Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana (DAY).

23. Discuss the composition, powers, functions and the role of National Commission for Women in India.

24. Discuss the problems faced by Urban Local Bodies in Himachal Pradesh after the implementation of 74th Constitutional amendment.

25. What are the main provisions of the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Guarantee Act 2011? 

Section III

Answers to question number 26 to 28 should not exceed 400 words in each case. Contents of the answers are more important than their length. Each question carries 20 marks.

26. In the post Globalisation era, economic centralisation and political decentralisation have created paradox in the working of Indian polity. Comment.

27. Examine India’s role in changing world order.

28. Development role of the Deputy Commissioner became a focal point of study after the initiation of development planning in India. Explain.

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